Check Availability of a Share Path and log output to a text file located on that share:
Here is a simple PowerShell script which checks if a particular Network path (SMB Share/File Share/NAS or SAN originating path) is online and reachable or not. It Writes a text file at the target location and keeps logging information at every fixed interval which can later be used to analyze availability of the target location.
# This script checks availability of a Share at given interval
and writes output #
# in the file at that same shared location. #
# Change the FileShare / SMB / NAS /SAN storage path in the
variable path. #
# Sleep timing (start-sleep) to check at whatever specific
interval you want. #
## Main Loop to start and run endlessly :
for ($i
= 1; $i -gt 0; $i++) {
## Take the Date_time variable to be used to write log in the
output file:
$Now = Get-Date -Format yyyy_MM_dd_hh:mm:ss
## Path of the Share along with file name which you want to
check and log output to:
= "\\SharePath\d\logs\TestFile.txt"
(Test-Path $FilePath
{ Write-Output
"Share is alive at $Now" >> $FilePath
{ New-Item -ItemType
"File" -Path
$FilePath; Write-Output
"Share is alive at $Now" >> $FilePath
## Time to sleep and check again (3600 = 1 Hour) Convert the
duration i seconds and put in at the below line:
Start-Sleep -Seconds 3600
# Points to consider:
* Make sure this script is run from a location from where you want to check the availability of share.
* User running this script should have enough rights to create file on the target location.