
Monday, May 11, 2020

How to show CPU Temperature of Raspberry Pi running Raspbian

How to display CPU Temperature of Raspberry Pi running Raspbian

Recently I was playing with my old Raspberry Pi B3 with Raspbian installed on it and noticed that that its getting overheated and displaying a red thermometer at the upper right hand corner of the screen.

That's when I decided to write a simple few line script which can tell me what the current CPU temperature is of my Pi.

There is a command that can be used to display the current Temperature of Pi.

vcgencmd measure_temp

Now I wanted to automate it so that it displays the temp every few seconds. 

Wrote a simple bash script and saved it as .sh
apply +x permissions to the script and execute it:

while true; do
echo `date` : `vcgencmd measure_temp`
ping -c 5 localhost >/dev/null;
  Now here is the Demo
Good Luck :)