
Friday, September 6, 2019

Regular Expression ready reference




matches any character except newline


escape character


word character [a-zA-Z_0-9]


non-word character [^a-zA-Z_0-9]


Digit [0-9]


non-digit [^0-9]


new line


carriage return




white space


non-white space


beginning of a line


end of a line


beginning of the string (multi-line match)


end of the string (multi-line match)


word boundary, boundary between \w and \W


not a word boundary


beginning of a word


end of a word


matches exaclty n times


matches a minimum of n times


matches a min of x and max of y


‘a’ or ‘b’


matches 0 or more times


matches 1 or more times


matches 1 or 0 times


matches 0 or more times, but as few as possible


matches 1 or more times, but as few as possible


matches 0 or 1 time


a single character of: a, b, or c


any single character except: a, b, or c


any single character in the range a-z


any single character in the range a-z or A-Z


capture everything enclosed


zero or one of a


zero or more of a


one or more of a


exactly 3 of a


3 or more of a


between 3 and 6 of a


Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Multipath information from Windows servers running with HDLM

Multipath information from Windows servers running with HDLM

Here is a Script developed in PowerShell to retrieve Multipath information from Windows servers running with HDLM DSM as MPIO.

This script can be used without any parameter to present useful and minimal required information.
There are different parameters which can be used to retrieve maximum possible information from servers but they are in raw format (text format)

This script can also be downloaded from Microsoft Technet Script Gallery

# Developed for fetching Multipath Information from Windows servers running with HDLM MPIO
# If used without any parameter, it will display information in simple way by processing information retrieved from HDLM binaries.
# There are three parameters defined in the script which can be used to get different type of information related to Multipathing
# Information retrieved with defined parameters are only raw (Plain Text) and needs to be interpreted properly.
# Use it at your own responsibility Developer will not be held responsible for any damage caused by running this script improperly.
# Developed on Jan-08-2019

if ($PathOnly )
        dlnkmgr view -path -c
elseif ($Verbose)
        write-host "`n_________  Displaying HDLM agent Information _________`n"
            dlnkmgr view -sys
        write-host "`n__________    Displaying Luns Information    _________`n"
            dlnkmgr view -lu
        write-host "`n_________    Displaying Path Information     _________`n"
            dlnkmgr view -path
elseif ($Compact)
        write-host "`n_______________    Displaying HDLM Version    _______________`n"
            dlnkmgr view -sys |Select-String "HDLM Version"
        write-host "`n_________    Displaying Luns Information (Compact)   _________`n"
            dlnkmgr view -lu -c
        write-host "`n_________    Displaying Path Information (Compact)   _________`n"
            dlnkmgr view -path -c

## HDLM Version
    $HDLMVer = dlnkmgr view -sys |Select-String "HDLM Version"
    $HDLMVer = $HDLMVer -replace " ","" -split ":"
    $HDLMVersion = "HDLMVersion   :: $($HDLMVer[1])"
    $Computername = "Computername  :: $env:COMPUTERNAME"

##Fetch total Number of Luns
    $LunCount = dlnkmgr view -lu |Select-String "LUs"
    $Luns = $LunCount -replace " ","" -split ":"

##Online Paths Count
    $OnlinePaths = "OnlinePaths   :: $((dlnkmgr view -path |Select-String HITACHI |Select-String "online" |measure).Count)"

##Offline Paths Count
    $OfflineLuns = "OfflinePaths  :: $((dlnkmgr view -path |Select-String HITACHI |Select-String -NotMatch "online" |measure).Count)"

##First Line of "dlnkmgr view -lu -c" which contains Array Serial Number, first lun and its path details

    $Pathinfo = dlnkmgr view -lu -c | Select-String -notmatch "Product","HDLM command"
    $FirstLine = $Pathinfo -replace "\s{1,}",":" |select -First 1
    $info = ($firstline -split ":")

##Array Summary with Array Name, Array Serial Number and Total Number of Luns Presented
    $ArrayName = "ArrayName     :: $($info[0])"
    $ArraySerial = "ArraySerial   :: $($info[1])"
    $TotalLuns = "TotalLuns     :: $($info[2])"

##Print Summary
    Write-Output "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
    Write-Output "----------------------------------     Host Summary        -------------------------------"
    Write-Output "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
    $Computername, $TotalLuns, $OnlinePaths, $OfflineLuns, $HDLMVersion, $ArrayName, $ArraySerial

##First Lun Details
    $FirstLun = Write-Output "LunID :: $($info[3]) `t DriveLetter :: $($info[4])`t TotalPaths :: $($info[5])`t OnlinePaths :: $($info[6])"

##Remaining Lines of "dlnkmgr view -lu -c" which contains Array Serial Number, remaining luns and their path details
    $otherpaths = $Pathinfo -replace "\s{1,}",":" |select -Skip 1
    $otherinfo = ($otherpaths -split ":")
    $allPaths = $Pathinfo |select -Skip 1 | foreach {$_ -replace "\s{1,}",":"} |foreach { $_ -replace "^:" }

    $Remaining = $allPaths | foreach { $Line = $_ -split ":"; write-output  "LunID :: $($Line[0]) `t DriveLetter :: $($Line[1]) `t TotalPaths :: $($Line[2])`t OnlinePaths :: $($Line[3]) "}

    Write-Output "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
    Write-Output "----------------------------------     LUNs Summary       --------------------------------"
    Write-Output "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
    Write-Output $FirstLun
    Write-Output $Remaining

Here are the screenshots taken from this script's execution:
Script executed without any parameter

 Script executed with parameter -PathOnly

Script executed with parameter -Compact

 Script executed with parameter -Verbose