
Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Modify a Windows ISO and add custom files/folders using mkisofs or genisoimage.

Modify a Windows ISO and add custom files/folders using mkisofs or genisoimage.

I am sharing the process that I followed while trying to build ISO files with an updated Autounattend.xml file that contains Server specific attributes like Hostname, IP Address, Subnet Mask, Administrator Password and some other custom commands.

On Linux

  • Mount the Original Windows Server 2016/2019 ISO Image to a directory named /mnt/iso/win2016 with loopback option on Linux machine.
 mount -o loop <image>.iso /mnt/iso/win2016
  • Copy the content from mounted iso image to a new directory named custom_iso:
 cp -R /mnt/iso/win2016 /win/2016/custom_iso
  • After you update/modify the autounattend.xml file with necessary values for new server, copy it to the toot directory which contains copied data from the ISO (/win/2016/custom_iso in this case).

 cp autounattend.xml /win/2016/custom_iso
  • Burn the iso image with following parameters using genisoimage:
  genisoimage -bboot/ -no-emul-boot -boot-load-seg 1984 -boot-load-size 8 -iso-level 2 -J -l -D -N -joliet-long -allow-limited-size -relaxed-filenames -V "WIN_SRV_STD_2016" -o /win/Windows_Server2016_custom.iso /win/2016/custom_iso

Here are the details about different parameters used in above command which are relevant to us.
Boot Sector File
Options necessary to build a bootable ISO
-boot-load-seg 1984
-boot-load-size 8
-iso-level 2
-V "WIN_SRV_STD_2016"
Volume Label of the ISO
-o /win/Windows_Server2016_custom.iso
Final ISO Name
Source Dir with modified/updated files/folders

  • Burn the iso image with following parameters using mkisofs 
 mkisofs -bboot/ -no-emul-boot -boot-load-seg 1984 -boot-load-size 8 -iso-level 2 -J -l -D -N -joliet-long -allow-limited-size -relaxed-filenames -V "WINSP" -o /win/custom_iso/MKISOFS_2016.iso .

Here are the details about different parameters used in above command which are relevant to us.

Boot Sector File
Options necessary to build a bootable ISO
-boot-load-seg 1984
-boot-load-size 8
-iso-level 2
Volume Label of the ISO
-o /win/custom_iso/MKISOFS_2016.iso
Final Output ISO
Source Dir with modified/updated files/folders

Please note that genisoimage command is part of the Dell Repository manager for Windows so if you have Dell Repository Manager for Windows installed on any Windows server then you should be able to use this on a windows machine too with slight modifications in the command syntaxes mentioned above.

Monday, June 8, 2020

Wi-Fi enabled Smart BlueJeans Meeting status indicator Light

Wi-Fi enabled Smart BlueJeans Meeting status indicator Light

Looking at the current Work from Home situations that almost everyone of us are going through, I thought about creating a simple Indicator Light that can be placed somewhere in the home. This Indicator light is connected in the same Wi-Fi network as our Laptop and a simple web request calls are made every few seconds and the indicator light turns on based on the Meeting status. This will help everyone else in the home to be considerate on the level of noise produced while we are in meeting...

This Project has been built with following components:  
o   Node MCU
o   LEDs (Red, Green and Amber)
o   Some Wires to connect the LEDs
o   A Li Ion Battery or 5 Volt Mobile chargers with micro USB cable to power Node MCU
·        Software:
o   Blue Jeans
o   PowerShell
o   Small Webserver installed on the Node MCU.
o   Arduino IDE to program the Node MCU.
Lets review all the steps in detail now: