Create a text file named servers.txt and put all servers in the file (one server at one line)
Copy and paste the below code (in Blue) in a text file and save it as HBAInfo.Ps1 and put both servers.txt and HBAInfo.ps1 at the same location.
Execute the script from powershell console as .\HBAInfo.ps1
Get-Content .\Servers.txt | ForEach-object {
$SrvName = $_
# Loop only executed when ping is successful
if (test-connection -computername $SRVName -count 1 -quiet)
Get-WmiObject -computername $SRVName -class MSFC_FCAdapterHBAAttributes -namespace "root\WMI" |select __SERVER,@{Name='Node WWN';Expression={(($_.NodeWWN | % {"{0:x2}" -f $_}) -join ":").ToUpper()}},Active,DriverName,HBAStatus,MAnufacturer,NumberofPorts
}Else { Write-Warning "$SRVName cannot be reached, skipping."
}} |export-Csv -NoTypeInformation hbaDetails.csv
Wait for the script to finish and a csv file will be ready with all the information at the same location where script is located.
Copy and paste the below code (in Blue) in a text file and save it as HBAInfo.Ps1 and put both servers.txt and HBAInfo.ps1 at the same location.
Execute the script from powershell console as .\HBAInfo.ps1
Get-Content .\Servers.txt | ForEach-object {
$SrvName = $_
# Loop only executed when ping is successful
if (test-connection -computername $SRVName -count 1 -quiet)
Get-WmiObject -computername $SRVName -class MSFC_FCAdapterHBAAttributes -namespace "root\WMI" |select __SERVER,@{Name='Node WWN';Expression={(($_.NodeWWN | % {"{0:x2}" -f $_}) -join ":").ToUpper()}},Active,DriverName,HBAStatus,MAnufacturer,NumberofPorts
}Else { Write-Warning "$SRVName cannot be reached, skipping."
}} |export-Csv -NoTypeInformation hbaDetails.csv
Wait for the script to finish and a csv file will be ready with all the information at the same location where script is located.
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